Here you’ll find a list of some of the best Minecraft servers in the community! While Minecraft offers a wonderful single-player experience, playing on a server allows you to interact and play with other people. A server is a world with special rules ran off a host computer, allowing you and others to connect and load into whatever world the server generates!

There are many different kinds of Minecraft servers, each serving a specific purpose. You can find servers focused on player-versus-player (PVP), gathering and crafting, or even some with the sole purpose of playing mini-games! On this server list, you can find a server suited for whatever you intend to do!

Below, you’ll see each server listed by name, the number of players currently active on it, and whether the server is online or not. You’ll also see a snippet highlighting what the server offers with a link to the server’s website just underneath it.

If you already have a specific server in mind (or a related keyword), you can type that into the search box for quick access. You can also narrow your search down by description, location, and even what version of Minecraft the server uses!

You can also alter how the results will be shown to you! If you want to see servers with high populations, you can set the list order to show servers ranked by number of players currently online. Maybe you just want to see new servers - you can sort by date too!

We think this list will really help you find a fun server to play on! It can be confusing and difficult to find a server that actually provides what you’re looking for. We did all the hard work and compiled this list so you can quickly learn what each server has to offer without doing the research yourself! Take a peek at the top Minecraft server list and start building in an exciting new world today!

Minecraft Server List

Rank Name Server Players Status
326 XGaming

We, at Xgaming are integrating Generative AI capabilities in Games to enhance gameplay experience.

0/200 offline
327 ZvisREborn


0/0 offline
328 acube

0/0 offline
329 bringiton47

Official Eldorado Market Minecraft Server.

0/20 offline
330 dadwen

0/0 offline
331 dinesh sawant

0/0 offline
332 eunseong0218

0/0 offline
333 fsdfsf

p> In a world where beauty and style are highly valued, finding affordable options that still exude elegance can be a challenge. However, with the wide range of cheap human hair wigs available on Beautyforever, you don't have to compromise on quality

0/30 offline
334 gommehd

131/10000 offline
335 hbkt

1/12 offline

Minecraft server with live map and chat ! Please dont build next to other players give them room to build, and dont steal. Link to live map in website link.

0/1000 offline
337 jay


0/0 offline
338 kerim31 server


0/0 offline
339 man.

0/0 offline
340 mostafa389

0/0 offline
341 nChang


0/0 offline
342 nightmare mc

nightmare mc was a build in survival server for asia and europe (eurasia). with multi language support, and can be join from india ( china ( singapore (

0/69 offline
343 sadfasdasdasd

0/0 offline

5/100 offline
345 vanillaitaliana

questo e un semplice server vanilla italiano 1.17.1 non entrare con la 1.17

0/0 offline
346 채채

0/0 offline