Here you’ll find a list of some of the best Minecraft servers in the community! While Minecraft offers a wonderful single-player experience, playing on a server allows you to interact and play with other people. A server is a world with special rules ran off a host computer, allowing you and others to connect and load into whatever world the server generates!

There are many different kinds of Minecraft servers, each serving a specific purpose. You can find servers focused on player-versus-player (PVP), gathering and crafting, or even some with the sole purpose of playing mini-games! On this server list, you can find a server suited for whatever you intend to do!

Below, you’ll see each server listed by name, the number of players currently active on it, and whether the server is online or not. You’ll also see a snippet highlighting what the server offers with a link to the server’s website just underneath it.

If you already have a specific server in mind (or a related keyword), you can type that into the search box for quick access. You can also narrow your search down by description, location, and even what version of Minecraft the server uses!

You can also alter how the results will be shown to you! If you want to see servers with high populations, you can set the list order to show servers ranked by number of players currently online. Maybe you just want to see new servers - you can sort by date too!

We think this list will really help you find a fun server to play on! It can be confusing and difficult to find a server that actually provides what you’re looking for. We did all the hard work and compiled this list so you can quickly learn what each server has to offer without doing the research yourself! Take a peek at the top Minecraft server list and start building in an exciting new world today!

Minecraft Server List

Rank Name Server Players Status
26 DirtCraft


10/100 offline
27 Wolfx Survival

Wolfx Survival server. There are few rules and no OP

1/445 offline
28 Craftadia

11/500 offline
29 MineWind

162/1000 offline
30 Gamster

1325/3000 offline

0/1000 offline
32 Emerald Earth

New Earth Server with loads of things to do!

0/0 offline
33 MineSuperior

176/2500 offline
34 Performium Network

157/3999 offline
35 Centural Us

All players get OP on login; Once 1.17 releases we will decide permeant staff roles or player role if decided. Please join our discord

0/0 offline
36 Anarquia

Anarquia is a vanilla anarchy Minecraft server Bedrock and Java running since 18rd of Juny 2021, designed to give players total freedom to play Minecraft just as the developers intended.

0/1337 offline
37 ForgeAway

Welcome to ForgeAway economy-driven 1.19.3 Minecraft survival server! Here, you'll have the chance to build, explore, and survive in a vast, immersive world while also participating in a thriving economy.

0/1337 offline
38 The Madog's Server

Madog's Unite! Factions/Eco/Survival

0/100 offline
39 MythicHaven

Start the Ultimate Towny Experience today @!

1/100 offline
40 VanityMC

0/2024 offline
41 IllusiveMC Survival (1.21)

IllusiveMC is a Non-Vanilla Minecraft SMP Server. Our Server has features like mcMMO, Voting Crates, VeinMiner, RTP, Silk-Touchable Spawners, Clans, Player Shops, Land Claims, Supply Drops and so much more!

0/75 offline
42 PvPWars

0/2500 offline
43 ManaCube

947/3500 offline
44 Spooky SMP

SMP, For fun, Events, Friendly Community and staff

0/30 offline
45 Datblock

72/100 offline
46 Jartex

1096/5000 offline
47 SqueejCraft

24/7 public Semi-vanilla PvE

0/28 offline
48 Vellerius Lifesteal

A lifesteal minecraft server

0/100 offline
49 FallOrRiseMC

0/40 offline
50 Apeiron

0/200 offline