Runa Survival Vanilla Public
Owner TitusPullo
Status offline
Players 0/6
Version 1.14
Rank 161
Votes 1
Uptime 99.9%
Last Check 3 minute(s) ago
Country Canada
Types SurvivalPvPPvEAnarchy

Runa Survival Vanilla (Latest Minecraft SMP) NO mods or plugins 100% vanilla. No rules do what you want.
100 slot server. NO whitelist.
Canada Hosted(Ontario)
We host multiple servers of different types.

Feel free to join the discord here:

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Runa Survival Vanilla (Latest Minecraft SMP) NO mods or plugins 100% vanilla. No rules do what you want.
100 slot server. NO whitelist.
Canada Hosted(Ontario)
We host multiple servers of different types.

Feel free to join the discord here:

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