Owner somewhatoriginal
Status offline
IP t415.aternos.me
Website Visit Website
Players 0/0
Version 1.14
Rank 87
Votes 4
Uptime 100%
Last Check 24 second(s) ago
Country United States
Types AnarchySurvival

t415 is a ***true*** minecraft anarchy server
t415 has absolutely no rules with no punishments
t415 has:
an infinite world
absolutely no rules
a small community
vanilla 1.16.1
`IP: t415.aternos.me`

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t415 is a ***true*** minecraft anarchy server
t415 has absolutely no rules with no punishments
t415 has:
an infinite world
absolutely no rules
a small community
vanilla 1.16.1
`IP: t415.aternos.me`

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