Bushi Craft
Owner Joannacreatesart
Status offline
IP bushi.my.pebble.host
Website Visit Website
Players 0/48
Version 1.14
Rank 81
Votes 4
Uptime 100%
Last Check 3 minute(s) ago
Country United States
Types MCMMOPvERoleplaySurvival

Bushi Craft is my response to rejoining Minecraft and wishing for the kind of server I used to play all the time in 2013. Building a tight community is my goal, and this is a simple SMP server. One cool thing is that everyone can /fly in survival mode, which can't be done in solo Minecraft. Anyway, I hope you check out Bushi Craft and join, whether you're a veteran player or brand new.

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Bushi Craft is my response to rejoining Minecraft and wishing for the kind of server I used to play all the time in 2013. Building a tight community is my goal, and this is a simple SMP server. One cool thing is that everyone can /fly in survival mode, which can't be done in solo Minecraft. Anyway, I hope you check out Bushi Craft and join, whether you're a veteran player or brand new.

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