Kittens SMP
Owner Rixels1337x
Status offline
Website Visit Website
Players 0/0
Version 1.17
Rank 268
Votes 0
Uptime 100%
Last Check 1 minute(s) ago
Country United Kingdom
Types SurvivalModded

Kittens SMP is the award winning and most relatable Minecraft SMP server, here you can make friends and have lots of fun within our amazing Survival Multiplayer server. Become the kitten you always wanna be and join the Kittens cult. Join the revolution and play now! You can play on absolutely almost every Minecraft version from 1.8 - to the latest version for free today with your friends or even your family :D

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Kittens SMP is the award winning and most relatable Minecraft SMP server, here you can make friends and have lots of fun within our amazing Survival Multiplayer server. Become the kitten you always wanna be and join the Kittens cult. Join the revolution and play now! You can play on absolutely almost every Minecraft version from 1.8 - to the latest version for free today with your friends or even your family :D

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