Owner SuryaTech
Status offline
Players 0/0
Version 1.18
Rank 151
Votes 1
Uptime 100%
Last Check 3 minute(s) ago
Country India
Types PvPVanillaHardcore

Welcome to LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft server where you can steal hearts from other players. When you kill another player, you receive their heart while they lose a heart. This means that the player who kills someone will get one more heart and who died will loss one heart.

On our server, PVP is allowed, and we don't restrict players from stealing or raiding other bases. Keep in mind that you can also lose hearts from natural causes.
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Welcome to LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft server where you can steal hearts from other players. When you kill another player, you receive their heart while they lose a heart. This means that the player who kills someone will get one more heart and who died will loss one heart.

On our server, PVP is allowed, and we don't restrict players from stealing or raiding other bases. Keep in mind that you can also lose hearts from natural causes.
Join our discord group for support:

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