Ultimate Haven
Owner silskor
Status offline
IP play.ultimate-haven.us
Website Visit Website
Players 0/35
Version 1.12.2
Rank 168
Votes 1
Uptime 100%
Last Check 4 minute(s) ago
Country United States
Types EconomyFTBPvEPvPSurvival


Dynamic World Generation
Keepinventory is enabled.
Veinminer - Break multiple ore veins with 1 break
Chunkloaders allowed! Gain More with donation ranks!
Offline Chunkloaders available on the donation store.
PvP is your choice by enabling it within your claims!
Rotating Events, Events World
Admin Shop
Player Shops (Sell your plots or buy plots at the market)
Griefdefender + Towns
Taxes Plugin
Public lava/water
Lottery! (Buy lotto tickets)
Town Arena
Donation Ranks/Beans/Claimblocks/Chunkloaders

/rtp (random teleport)
/tpa (teleport to a friend)
and much more!
Modpack: FTBUltimate Reloaded 1.12.2
Modpack Version: 1.9.0 (Latest)

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Dynamic World Generation
Keepinventory is enabled.
Veinminer - Break multiple ore veins with 1 break
Chunkloaders allowed! Gain More with donation ranks!
Offline Chunkloaders available on the donation store.
PvP is your choice by enabling it within your claims!
Rotating Events, Events World
Admin Shop
Player Shops (Sell your plots or buy plots at the market)
Griefdefender + Towns
Taxes Plugin
Public lava/water
Lottery! (Buy lotto tickets)
Town Arena
Donation Ranks/Beans/Claimblocks/Chunkloaders

/rtp (random teleport)
/tpa (teleport to a friend)
and much more!
Modpack: FTBUltimate Reloaded 1.12.2
Modpack Version: 1.9.0 (Latest)

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